Showing 1–12 of 32 results

Annual Review Form


A yearly assessment to evaluate employee performance, appraise deliverables, set goals, career development discussion.

Contract of Employment Template


A legal agreement between an employer and an employee. Sets out Terms and Conditions of employment.

Exit Interview Form


An opportunity to obtain leaver feedback during the offboarding process. Gathers insights, enhances retention, improves organisational culture and employee experience.

Job Advert Template


A document to promote a vacancy within a business. To advertise job opportunities to attract qualified candidates.

Job Description Template


Defines role responsibilities and sets expectations. A clear document for talent attraction.

Offer Letter Template


Formal job offer, outlining basic terms and conditions of employment, welcoming new hires, and setting expectations.

Probation Review Form


Review employee performance during their probationary period, evaluate new starter performance, set objectives, provide support and guidance.

Resignation Acceptance Letter


Acknowledging resignation of an employee, initiate the offboarding or exit process, manage workforce transitions and set out information or process during the notice period.

Right to Live and Work Checks


Essential for right to work checks to ensure your compliance and legislative record-keeping. This form is ready to personalise as an addition to current onboarding processes to give reassurance for the key checks for new starters.

Work Experience Form


Ideal as a template for work experience in a business with low risk, for example office or administrative working. This templated document gathers the necessary personal information, including emergency contacts, confidentiality for company data and pay agreements.

Two Weeks at a Glance


A templated form for a new starter’s first 2 weeks to be scheduled and proactively planned to invest in the employee experience from the first day, the first two weeks and through to their probation.

This document is key to building engagement and ensuring management are prepared for their new starter.

Return to Work Form


An essential form for businesses to ensure quality conversations when employees are returning to work, consistently, confidently and aligned with company processes.

This form is crucial for ensuring manager are equipped with the right tools to having appropriate return to work discussions.